- a place for Hillman Nuts!

West Midlands UK Avenger 72


2009 someone elses drug then but just had been sprayed Limelight green. (notice no stripes!)

What she was like when I purchased her....

About this car

Currently mot'd n taxed, become a drug now, rubbers all perished underneath and in the process of slowly replacing, just had new distributor, mirrors, starter motor overhaul, replace gearbox mount!, repair fuel line, now running with choke full in pmsl!. July 2011 - Replaced both engine mounts as the engine had ripped from the rubbers and was just sitting on them my poor baby didn't know what speed bumps were! hance the engine went skew and the gearbox went off at an angle under the car then the driveshaft was smashing up against the fuel line and gearbox tunnel! which incidentally probably caused all the above problems i.e.starter motor stuck on killed bushes and had to repair!, fuel line!, gearbox mount! LOL. All Fixed and goes like a beauty now, people keep knocking my door to buy!, but 12 GBP a month insurance why would I want another car?????


Daily Driver - Good Condition


Hillman Avenger



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